March 28, 2019
After being in force for only five months, COFEPRIS’ guidelines of Cannabis products have been revoked. The guidelines established the criteria for appraisal of applications for authorizations of commercialization, exportation and importation of products other than medicines containing Cannabis and its derivatives, in concentrations in less than 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
COFEPRIS concluded that the guidelines went beyond the scope of the corresponding Health Law provisions, since they allowed other uses than medical and scientific purposes of THC, despite THC’s classification as a narcotic or psychotropic substance, as established in the law.
It appears that COFEPRIS is reviewing the files related to the permits issued since the guidelines went into force. There is still uncertainty as to what actions will be taken by COFEPRIS with respect to the authorizations that have been previously granted.
The revocation of these guidelines, while disruptive, seems to be aimed at improving the legal framework for Cannabis in Mexico, rather than acting as an obstacle for the cannabis industry.