March 25, 2020
Tuesday March 24, 2020, the Mexican President announced that officially, Mexico entered into phase 2 (local transmission) of the outbreak of COVID-9. Additional and new measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and “flatten the curve” of infection will be implemented as from today, these measures are the following:
The last two weeks, many of these preventive measures have been adopted gradually by a significant fraction of the private sector and fewer public entities, without this expected official and federal declaratory of phase 2 which comprises, preventive but legal, social and economic implications that Olivares will continue providing updates.
Please note that as mentioned in our last newsletters, although must of the jurisdictional authorities have already suspended activities, having few guards to cases of emergency, the Mexican Patent and Trademark Office will remain receiving motions and applications but legal terms will be suspended until April 20, 2020.