March 18, 2010
Dear friends and colleagues:
Having recently communicated his retirement, it is with great sorrow that we must announce the unexpected death of Mr. Sergio Olivares Sr.
We could talk again about his achievements as a lawyer and also as a businessman but at this time it is more important to share with all of you a little of what he was within the walls of Olivares & Cía, as a teacher and a human being.
The “Lic.” (the abbreviation for “Licenciado” or “Licensed”) is how we respectfully and affectionately knew him in our offices. He was unmistakable, with his white hair and shorter stature, but with a great mind and soul. The doors to his office and his heart were always open, welcoming you in to solve either a difficult legal issue or a personal problem. In either case, he was always there. Sometimes his words were strong and sometimes they were affectionate and kind, because he always taught, as life teaches, that no matter how hard something seems during the moment, it is the honest and true answers that solve the hardest problems.
Those who had the good fortune to get to know him will agree that he was always a fair man, and in the effort of making us better he told us daily that, “What differentiates people is their eagerness to excel”. He led by example. He always practiced what he preached, was impeccable in his work, and purposeful in every step he took. He was a good son, a loving father, an exemplary lawyer and a strong leader, but above all else an excellent friend.
In our daily work and life we will never forget a phrase he used to repeat, sometimes with a worried face, at others with a smiling face, “We must always be prepared”. Sage advice that this time, with his sudden departure, we could not follow.