March 19, 2021
On March 10, 2021, a press release was published in several media, that is, a statement of the national cinematographic and audiovisual community regarding the initiative of the “Federal Law of Cinematography and Audiovisual” presented by Senator Ricardo Monreal Avila.
In said statement, it is considered that Senator Ricardo Monreal’s initiative is a first step in the right direction, by establishing a minimum percentage of national content in order to protect hundreds of thousands of jobs, preserve artistic and cultural sovereignty, and to ensure that Mexico continues to be a world reference in high quality productions, great directors, producers, photographers, creatives, musicians and screenwriters.
For better reference the main advances of the initiative are:
This is due to the fact that the film and audiovisual production companies, as well as their unions, distanced themselves from the position previously taken by the a Mexican Business Chamber (the CCE), said rupture was due to the fact that national producers state that they agree with the minimum quota for both cinemas (exhibitors) and streaming platforms (read: Netflix, Disney +, HBO, Amazon Prime, Claro, Izzi), to transmit fifteen (15%) of the content produced in Mexico.
At OLIVARES we will continue to actively monitor the present, and our Partner Luis C. Schmidt and his team are available for any questions or advice you may require in this regard.